write a 750 1 000 word paper about your selected diagnosis use headings and include the following in your paper
September 19, 2021
pjm310 introduction to project management discussion forum 250 words apa citations
September 19, 2021

week 3 forum post 6

This week, first, post Four brief summaries of the studies you selected for your Integrative Project Literature Review. Then, share in a separate post what challenges you have experienced so far in your work on this project?

All research should be published in the last 5-7 years unless you have selected research that is seminal (very important to the field, written by theorist, etc). Use the format provided in the Annotated Bibliography template to ensure all required content is clearly included. Include the associated reference with DOI number with all summaries.

For post Number 1, paste the following bolded headings above your content:

The one sentence overarching theme of my paper is:

Provide only four summaries as noted below:

Course name and article summary (using the format I provided) 1:

Course name and article summary 2

Course name and article summary 3

Course name and article summary 4

For post #2 in a new thread

The challenges I have experienced so far in your work on this project

must be 500 words

week 2 forum for reference:

The overreaching theme/topic: Violent behavior is conditioned over time.

#1 Psych 511 Learning and Cognition – Violent individual’s early childhood experiences.

One learns how key relationships are formed in children at a young age. This is a process that includes memory, acquisition of skills, thought processes, and solving problems. Through this course, one is able to connect some of the life experiences that lead to violent behavior especially homicide, femicide, and domestic violence. Violent behavior also includes mass shootings such as the most recent Darwin shooting in Australia and the Christchurch mosque shootings. The area of interest will be focused on violent individual’s early childhood experiences based on learning and cognition.

#2 Psych510 Lifespan Development- Violent behavior is developed from early childhood

One learns the various developmental stages of a human being that include four major areas. These areas, the social, the physical, the neurology, and cognition, demonstrate the life processes beginning from birth through adolescence to old age and death. As such, there are various theories that have been forwarded to explain the various stages that a person goes through in life and the result. This area of interest will enable the understanding of why a human being grows up to be violent. A special focus on Piaget’s theory will enable a better understanding of the mental growth stages of an individual through various processes. This theory is comprehensive and as such suitable for the overarching theme that violent behavior is learned or developed over time in individuals.

#3 Psych 516 Social Psychology – How social interactions lead to violent behavior victims

One learns the relationship of an individual’s behavior to the context of groups. To this extent, a view of the behavioral traits that are in individuals can help to distinguish individuals who are predisposed to violent behavior from a young age such as those who have difficulty learning in school. This is an area that will enable put a key emphasis on the decision-making processes of individuals in the perspective of social decisions, attitudes, and perspectives of others. An important area of focus is on the influence of social experiences on aggressive behavior. This aggressive behavior can be looked at as a result of various conditioned social experiences such as growing up in a violent domestic home to becoming a violent being. Additionally, stereotyping is another area of interest and how they are developed and lead to violent behavior. This can also help look at areas within social interactions that can also lead to helping violent behavior victims and perpetrators.

#4 Psych 526 Psychopathology- Root causes of violent behavior

One learns to understand the mental disorders that take place in the human mind. These mental disorders or illnesses are visible through the behavior that manifests in an individual. These behaviors, which are or may be indicative of disorders, is important is it may help understand violent behavior tendencies. For example, drug addiction is a mental disorder that can be exhibited in violent behavior that is seen in individuals. As such, through this course, the theme of violent behavior can be developed by looking at the areas that may be root causes of violent behavior. There is also a need to develop some look at the self-esteem issues that may affect an individual leading to mental disorder. Also, difficulty in processing of emotions can be studied and linked to violent behavior under this course. These will enable to develop the overarching theme that violent behavior is learned over time and not in-born.

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