525 and 610 classmate discussion response 4

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October 15, 2021
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October 15, 2021

525 and 610 classmate discussion response 4

250 words and 1-2 scholarly references under each classmate response.


The class prompt is what the classmates have responded to. We are supposed to respond to our classmate’s response and in relation to the prompt

CLASS PROMPT 1: Consider three jobs you know well, using the big 5 model from the course textbook of personality, explain the personality traits necessary for each job (e.g., police officer; openness-moderate, contentiousness-high, extraversion-moderate, agreeableness-low, neuroticism-Low). After examining these three jobs, can you see why you may or may not have been a good fit?

1) Charles Roberts (in regards to class prompt 1)

The three jobs I know well are:


Case Manager

Probation Officer

Before matching the personality traits to profession, the description of each trait are:

Openness is the desire to learn new things, be curious, inventive, creative, and a tendency to appreciate art. Conscientiousness is setting goals and directness, organization, being orderly and dependable. Extraversion is being a “people person”, adventurous, active, social life is paramount, and one is assertive in nature. Agreeableness is the motivation to be kind and understanding, forgiving and tolerant. Finally, neuroticism describes emotional stability or lack of emotional stability, self-conscious, and experience negative feelings like anxiety and sadness more often (Brown & Lent, 2013).

For chef I believe the best traits are openness- high, conscientiousness- high, extraversion- moderate, agreeableness- low, neuroticism, low.

Case manager: openness- low, conscientiousness- moderate, extraversion- high, agreeableness- high, neuroticism- moderate

Probation Officer: openness- low, conscientiousness- moderate, extraversion- high, agreeableness- moderate, neuroticism- moderate.

After examining the Big 5 and my own personality traits, I believe I fit well with my current profession of case manager, although I think the profession does hinder the traits of extraversion in the form of my sense of adventure and spontaneity. My goal is to be an adventure therapy counselor, which I think meshes more with my personality. I want to be around people, be kind and helpful, stay somewhat organized- but also be hands on and be dynamic and in motion. The benefits of talk therapy are very real to me and it will be a large portion of my career; however, I think that reinforcing others to foster their adventurous side and being motivated to healthy living while also pushing people to experience discomfort is an aspect I am naturally drawn to.


Brown, S.D. & Lent, R.W. (2013). Career Development and Counseling (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2) Kenneth


Knowing one’s personality has helped many people understand and predict life outcomes, work choice attainment, and success in occupation (Brown & Lent, 2013). The five major types of personality types are neuroticism, agreeable, openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion (Cherry, 2019). All these personality aspects of an individual can determine the behaviors and occupational choice, which leads to another choice. The three occupations that I know well are:

Supervisor: The big five personality traits are necessary for a supervisor. The supervisor needs to have high conscientiousness, high agreeableness, moderate extraversion, low neuroticism, and moderate openness. Being a supervisor is a good fit for me because I believe I have all the big five traits. I am high in both conscientiousness and agreeableness, and I work hard towards achieving my goals. I do not have high extroversion, and I do not have introvert traits. Nonetheless, supervisors who have high levels of extroversion are more likely to cause conflict. I am generally happy which means I have low neuroticism and I am a happy person which means I am high on openness.

Salesperson: The five traits can describe a salesperson. He/she needs to have high extroversion, low neuroticism, high openness, moderate conscientiousness, and high agreeableness. I cannot make a good salesperson since I not extrovert, which is a scale needed to be able to make sales. Although I have many other traits that would affect much this job, I believe the main personality required here is being an extrovert.

Veterinary position: The big five traits of veterinary is to have moderate extroversion, moderate openness, high conscientiousness, moderate agreeableness, and low neuroticism. I match this position because I am moderate and friendly to people. This position requires people to be dependable and to follow regulations and laws. An employee in this position requires an emphatic person, tolerant, and a team player.


Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (2013). Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.)

Cherry, K. (2019). The big five personality traits. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/the-big-five-personality-dimensions-2795422

THE PROFESSOR RESPONDED (AND WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO WRITE A DISCUSSION TO): While the traits reflect the three with which you agree what do you think would happen if you took the test on a different day or at a different point in your life? When I applied the instrument, I had one that was far out from the other two. That kind of blew my mind. Did you find that there was a ranking order to the three that you identified? How do you think this instrument might have helped you prior to your beginning your education? What are your thoughts about this being used more frequently as part of a precursor to entering college? Or, do you think this tool is something that could be easily administered in High School during 11th or 12th grade as students begin to determine whether or not they want to go to school?

3) Jamecia Woods

  1. Office Cashier- This type of job requires the individual to have low neuroticism (not being positive and don’t know how to adjust to a negative situation), high extraversion (social and able to communicate with the general public), high openness (able to be flexible and adjust to any circumstance), high agreeableness (very cooperative and also agrees) and highly conscientious (being aware of what is needed to reach a goal) (Brown & Lent, 2013). When being a cashier, you deal with the general public everyday and you have to be able to adjust to the different attitudes and problems that can occur. You have to be able to work flexible hours and make a list of what needs to be done every night to shut the down the office. You are also monitoring the other cashiers to make sure that they are doing what is needed of them.
  2. Mental Health Specialist- This type of job requires the individual to have low neuroticism (not being positive and don’t know how to adjust to a negative situation), high extraversion (social and able to communicate with the general public), high openness (able to be flexible and adjust to any circumstance), low agreeableness (very cooperative and also agrees) and highly conscientious (being aware of what is needed to reach a goal) (Brown & Lent, 2013). With this job, you deal with individuals ranging from substance abuse issues to mental health issues. You have to be able to communicate with the client in a way that is receptive but also be stern in showing them that you are not going to believe everything they say because some clients will try to pull a fast one over on you. You have to be persistent in trying to help them accomplish their goals with their welfare being the number one priority.
  3. Support Coordinator – This type of job requires the individual to have low neuroticism (not being positive and don’t know how to adjust to a negative situation), high extraversion (social and able to communicate with the general public), high openness (able to be flexible and adjust to any circumstance), high agreeableness (very cooperative and also agrees) and highly conscientious (being aware of what is needed to reach a goal) (Brown & Lent, 2013). With this job, you will be working with disabled individuals that suffer from some type of physical impairment. You have to supply them with as many resources that are needed to help them with their daily living activities. You have to be respectful, know how to adjust to different attitudes, agree with them to make them feel in control of their lives-because some clients can be very rude if you try to correct them on something.

I can see why I excelled at these three jobs because I have the people skills that needed to successful and I am able to adjust to any circumstance that requires me to be quick on feet and fix the problem. I also am conscientious what goals needs completing and how to maintain positivity throughout the whole experience.


Brown, S.D. and Lent, R.W. (2013). Career Development and Counseling (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The class prompt is what the classmates have responded to. We are supposed to respond to our classmate’s response and in relation to the prompt

CLASS PROMPT 2: Consider some of the mentors you have had up to this point in your career development. Can you think of one that really inspired you to go in a specific direction? How did your mentor inspire you? What can you do to be a good mentor to others in the future?

4) Kelly Stebbins

Hello Class,

I have had 2 mentors that have inspired me to move forward. The first one is a former supervisor of mine who I ended up being promoted by and we ended up remaining friends even after we both quit working for the employer. He is the one that I had many talks with about going back to school and he recommeded counseling because he is a LISAC. He gave me the proper positive and corrective criticism that I needed and still does to this day. I look up to him and hope to one day help my own community the way that he has for so many years. He actually is currently the manager for a crisis counseling center in my county.

The other mentor I have is my husband. Although he is not in my field he has taught me so much about military life and leadership skills. He is a strong, efficient leader and a hard worker and I admire that. I also admire his calm demeanor and constant patience even though I personally know how stressed out his job and separation from family due to military life makes him. There is no one else that I aspire to be like more than him. He has always giving me the most intellectual advice whether it be career oriented or otherwise. I attribute most of my growth as a person overall to him and I am grateful to have someone like these two people in my life.

What I would like to do to help mentor others in the future is to help military families. I feel going through the struggles has helped me to understand how I can use this to give back. Whether it be to help Vets find jobs or to help military families with transitional assistance or martial problems. Or, even help to raise suicide awareness and helping with substance abuse issues I feel there are so many things I could do to help mentor and inspire others. My goal is not for people to take the same path as me but to understand their path and help them find their passion even through all their struggles.


CLASS PROMPT 1: What are some red flags that would indicate client resistance? How can you most effectively deal with resistance? Will a client with substance use disorder be more resistant than a client with a general mental health disorder? What would be the impact in involving significant others in treatment? Explain your response.

5) Kylee Palmer

There are many scenarios where a client who struggles with addiction may resist or pull away in therapy. Resistance can stem from feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed or ashamed. One factor that I feel must be a common occurrence with clients who face addiction is ambivalence towards changing, which would require the clinician to acknowledge and discuss the commonality of ambivalence. If a client were to present argumentative and resist in that manner, it is important to avoid arguing and allow the client time to make a decision regarding treatment. However, if a client is at risk and is unable to make a coherent decision, this would require other interventions. It is important to reflect on a client’s concerns when appropriate. Lastly, another common barrier may include a client voicing barriers to attending referral appointments, which would require problem-solving together. Although I focused on many resistance scenarios with clients facing addiction, feelings of shame, embarrassment, ambivalence, and so on also relate to clients who do not struggle with addiction issues.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (n.d.). How do you address patient resistance? Retrieved from: https://archives.drugabuse.gov/initiatives/about-a…

6) Danielle Coleman

Red flags for when a client is resisting would be when they give “Yes, but,” answers to solutions for their problem that the therapist or counselor offers and when they are not participating in their sessions or choosing to not follow the treatment plan you’ve set out together (Mitchell, 2006). Instead of seeing resistance as a negative thing therapist should use this as another step in the sessions and in the treatment plan to help the client. If they are resisting then there must be something that needs to be changed so they work together to do so. To do this the counselor and client will reevaluate the goal and plan to see what went wrong and change that. If medicine needs to be changed then that is for the best and can help improve their situation as well. Between the two I believe those who have a substance use issue are worse about resistance because they are the ones in denial that they have a problem. Those with a mental illness know there is an issue, they are working on their problem and moving forward while the other is stagnant until they accept there is an issue and want to make changes. If the client has a significant other this may help or hinder the process because sometimes that person is the problem. If they are not the problem then they are a valuable asset because they will be there to support the client and may even come to sessions if necessary.


Mitchell, C. (2006). Resistant clients: We’ve All Had Them; Here’s How to Help Them! Retrieved from https://www.psychotherapy.net/article/resistant-clients

CLASS PROMPT 2: What tools can you use to help motivate the client and keep them on track with their stated goals? What types of interventions might be appropriate to help the client become more focused or motivated? What are the indicators the client is stuck?

7) Sara Sanchez

In order for a client to be motivated to change, he or she must have an emotionally compelling reason; it is rare for people to change just for the logic of the situation. For this reason, it is important to maintain the clients motivated and on track with their stated goal. This is possible by expressing empathy, adjust to client’s resistance, and supporting self-efficacy and optimism. Likewise, the American Psychological Association suggests eight strategies to keep clients on track with their goals: (1) provide role induction, (2) incorporate client preferences into treatment process, (3) help plan for appropriate termination, (4) provide education about patterns of change, (5) strengthen early hope, (6) enhance motivation for treatment, (7) foster the therapeutic alliance, and (8) discuss treatment progress with the clients. Including such strategies in the therapeutic experience would help clients convey their own confidence that they will be able to accomplish their goals.

Similarly, the Behavioral Health Evolution provide therapists with a guideline of three steps to keep clients motivated: (1) connecting information and skills with personal goals, (2) promoting hope and positive expectations, and (3) reframing past experiences in a positive light.



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