parallel lines geometry question

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September 8, 2020
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September 8, 2020

parallel lines geometry question

this is all the inforamtion i was given

  • Given:Three lines m, , and l as shown
    m< 1 + m < 2 = 180°
    Prove: m < 4 = m < 3
    Exercise 4
    Proof ___________________________________________________________________________

    Statements Reasons
    1. ___________________________________
    2. 1 and 3 are supplementary
    3. m 1 + m 3 = 180°
    4. m 1 + m 2 = m 1 + m 3
    5. m 2 = m 3
    6. 4 and 2 are vertical angles
    7. ___________________________________
    8. ___________________________________
    9. Given
    10. ___________________________________
    11. ___________________________________
    12. ___________________________________
    13. ___________________________________
    14. ___________________________________
    15. Vert. ‘s are = in measure
    16. Transitive law
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