It’s so important to me to cover all assignment instructor

Choose a story with elements that are clearly or strongly related english assignment help
September 9, 2020
How Do You Make Leaders More Effective?
September 9, 2020

It’s so important to me to cover all assignment instructor

It’s so important to me to cover all assignment instructor .This assignment like take home exam its worth 50% of my total mark .Please do your best and make perfect …There is no time for me to make revision or adjustment be careful during reading the assignment guide

Individual Report
• This is a 2000 word report (maximum)
• This report must be presented in a professional academic report manner (cover page, table of contents,
use headings/subheadings, include page numbers, be formaVed with square paragraphs etc.)

• You have been contacted by the major shareholders at General Motors (USA) to provide an accurate and current analysis of their Holden subsidiary.
• Subsidiaries are a common feature of mulnaonal corporaons who generally organise their businesses into naonal and funconal subsidiaries
• A subsidiary is a business/organisaon that is completely or partly owned (major shareholder) by the parent organisaon and thus the parent organisaon normally controls the acvies and policies of the subsidiary (therefore, Holden is the Australian arm of General Motors).
• So you are working as a consultant to suggest a new (internal, external or partnership) venture, (on an based analysis of the Holden subsidiary) which will create rapid growth.
• The report should be addressed to/wriVen for the shareholders of GM.

Before you commence the assignment…
It is recommended you complete an external, industry, competor and internal analysis to idenfy a relevant opportunity.
From your analysis you should be able to clearly idenfy the customer need and ming (opportunity).
It is suggested you used the following theories/ models to help…

I will upload assignment instructor

Recommended Report Structure
• IntroducBon (to the report and idenfy the purpose)
• Background of GM (this should be brief but idenfy the core competencies)
• Recommended new venture proposal (give this secon the tle of your venture)
– Venture descripBon statement
(including how this venture will be established and create rapid revenue growth)
– MarkeBng
(idenfy target market, market posion, market share, your compeve advantage, & pricing strategy to penetrate & maintain the market to produce profits)
– OperaBons
(the mode & general operaons of the venture should be explained; all resources other than finance should be idenfied here; consider the impact of the new venture on Holden/GM’s current operaons)
– Management
(idenfy the key people involved; & added assistance of consultants, directors etc.)
– Financials
(present & jusfy a budget; consider operaons & stages of financing; idenfy sources of funds)
– CriBcal risks
(analysis of foreseeable problems & suggest soluons – minimum 5 required)
– Harvest strategy
(outline the plan for connuity or disposal of the business; consider leadership & assets)
– Milestone schedule
(metable or chart, with explanaon, to demonstrate when each phase of the venture is to be completed; deadlines & milestones must be clear)
• Summary
• Appendix (if required)
• Bibliography




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