Identify, analyse and summarise major physical, chemical and biological environmental health hazards that may impact on human health.

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Identify, analyse and summarise major physical, chemical and biological environmental health hazards that may impact on human health.

Identify, analyse and summarise major physical, chemical and biological environmental health hazards that may impact on human health.


characterise potential sources of exposure and health impacts associated with environmental hazards;


synthesis the interdisciplinary and interactive nature of environmental health problems;


Associated content areas:

Ecology, population, environmental degradation and health.

Human biology and environmental disease.

Communicable disease control.

Pollution and health.

Food safety and water quality.

Environmental health management.


Overpopulation is accelerating the depletion of resources on the planet, while at the same time accelerating global pollution and climate change. Your government is considering adopting a stance similar to China’s one child policy, as part of its vision for a sustainable future.


Your task:


Write a report to inform policy makers about the positive and negative aspects of such a policy as it applies to your country.


Hint: The use of peer-reviewed journal references will strengthen your argument.


Your report should be professionally presented and include:


Introduction (3 marks)

Table of contents or index (2 marks)

Main body (12 marks) – compare and contrast

Conclusion (5 marks)

Policy recommendations (15 marks) – be realistic within your country context (democracy vs communist society)

Correct in and end-text referencing (3 marks).


Use APA referencing style. Marks may be deducted for incorrect or omitted

referencing. Penalties apply for late submission.




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