Assignment 1:Investment SelectionDue

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September 9, 2020

Assignment 1:Investment SelectionDue

Assignment 1:Investment SelectionDue Week 4 and worth 80 points
Imagine that you are a potential investor researching a U.S. investment of your choice. Your choice can be any investment that is highly marketable which means that you must be able to sell it at a market price very easily. Publically traded stock corporate bonds government bonds real estate mutual funds and derivatives are all examples of highly marketable investments.You will be required to collect financial statements and /or relevant financial information that detail(s) the past three (3) years (fiscal or calendar) of the chosen investment. (These statements can usually be located within the organizations Website under investor information or something similar. Many times these statements can also be found on Yahoo! Finance Google Finance MSN Money or Hoovers.)You will also be required to research your chosen investments price for the past five (5) years as well as a related market index for this investment for the past five (5) years. An example of an applicable market index is the Standard & Poors Stock Market Index commonly called the S&P 500.
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