write two reviews of two sources about modern poland

2 part question 7
October 16, 2021
vinay cyber assign i need a case study on the below topic
October 16, 2021

write two reviews of two sources about modern poland

TWO articles please on Modern Poland since Solidarity.

Please provide the following information on your source:
Web address:

Review: please say why you think this source is useful.


Name: The Washington Post
Year: 2019
Title: “Apple accused of worker violations in Chinese factories”
Author: Reed Albergotti

This source does a good job at showing the extent to which violations against workers’ rights may be occurring in China. These sorts of violations may be considered exploitation, which tragically happens in a variety of workplace settings in China. It is important to understand this article because as economic growth has skyrocketed in China over the past two decades, conditions and protections for workers may not have proportionally increased in the same manner. This then raises the question of whether protections for the rights of workers is a necessary step of building an industrialized and cosmopolitan society.

Source: https://beta.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/09/09/apple-accused-worker-violations-chinese-factories-by-labor-rights-group/

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