write a 500 word paper discussing the ideology of images or quot reading images as an ideological subject

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March 23, 2023
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March 23, 2023

write a 500 word paper discussing the ideology of images or quot reading images as an ideological subject

book is on chegg… i will give you my information.

Based on chapters 1 & 2): This week your assignment is to complete your first writing assignment.

This written assignment will focus on the myth of photographic truth and how digital technology can alter this truth. Write a 500-word paper discussing the “ideology of images” or “reading images as an ideological subject.” Discuss how you, as a visual consumer, feel about digitally altered images. Use at least 2 examples to support your thesis, either from the book or from other research you do. Make sure you cite your sources in a reference page — separate from the 2-3 pages of writing in either MLA or Chicago Manual of Style format. Make sure you upload a .doc or .docx version for grading (25 points).

Please remember that your work will be checked for originality. If you have questions about citing your sources please ask me or any of the reference librarians.

Your assignment must be uploaded as .doc/.docx file to our Dropbox (below) no later than Sunday June 30 by 11:59pm.

MLA (in-text citation style) or Turabian/Chicago Manual of Style FOR FULL CREDIT, PLEASE

Library links to assist with proper citation:

MLA: http://libguides.msubillings.edu/c.php?g=619978&p=4316533

Turabian/Chicago: http://libguides.msubillings.edu/turabian

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