Why Clinical Pharmacology Simulation is necessary for your business?

discussion question
April 24, 2023
Strategic Report Final
April 24, 2023

Why Clinical Pharmacology Simulation is necessary for your business?

SimPHARM™ is a cloud-based, virtual patient training tool that replicates real-life clinical encounters for learners and interprofessional groups. It is based on mathematical models of the physiology of the human body’s systems to accurately reproduce physiological responses to pathologies and medications. This permits learners to experience life-like results of their treatment choices. Since SimPHARM works by leveraging a dynamic learning algorithm, each student and interprofessional group who run these cases will uniquely encounter them. SimPHARM’s clinical pharmacology-based virtual simulation platform is a perfect fit for both undergraduate and graduate-level instructional programs.SimPHARM utilizes a unique Case-Based Learning (CBL) model. The staff/educator assigns a case where a patient presents with certain clinical issues. The learner, or interprofessional group, starts the case by building up a patient-care plan, initiating treatment, and watching the impacts of the medications being managed over time. Learners are then able to make notes for reflection, report on their rationale for treatment, share and discuss findings with their instructor or peers, and complete the case with reflection.Perfect for flipped classroom learning requirements, SimPHARM’s real-time cognitive gaming engine engages learners in a way that builds real-world clinical decision-making skills in a safe environment while under the management of faculty. SimPHARM’s physiological engine has been developed utilizing the most up-to-date medication lists, categories, formulations, side-effects, and interactions, and aligns with pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles.SimPHARM provides educators and learners with a practical solution for practicing clinical encounters. The system is based on scientific models of the physiological frameworks of the human body, permitting learners to safely make and reflect on realistic clinical decisions. SimPHARM helps students make decisions, think, and respond as they would in an actual clinical environment. Read More: https://www.simpharm.com/

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