The SLP assignment for this course will entail becoming familiar with Healthy People initiative. To the end, you will be asked to view a series of videos presenting the key components of Healthy People 2020, illustrating how these are being implemented, noting data sources available to monitor progress toward achievement of Healthy People goals objectives, and recommending strategies for incorporating Healthy People into the work we do as health educators.
View the first of these videos. After watching the video, address the following questions:
Length: 2-3 pages
Required Reading
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (n.d.) Healthy Community Design. Retrieved from…
[Please watch the Healthy Community Design Streaming Video linked at the top and read the Healthy Community Design Fact Sheet linked under “Additional Resources.”]
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Determinants of health. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from…
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from
[Please watch the 5-minute video linked on the right side of this HP2020 page.]
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Two: What is Healthy People? Retrieved from…
[Note: Video runtime is just over 7 minutes]
World Health Organization [WHO] (1997). The Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…
World Health Organization [WHO] (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…
[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field]