What are the key terms ofthe chosen reading?

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September 11, 2020

What are the key terms ofthe chosen reading?

Introduction to University Learning Question 1 Topic Five: Identify three key words and two key concepts linked to the topic ˜Concepts, Worldviews and Paradigms’? Question 2 Topic Five: Provide the full bibliographic details for one chosen reading fortopic live (in Chicago Style). Question Topic Five: What are the key terms ofthe chosen reading? o List the key terms and concepts ofthe reading (these should be about three to live words/concepts only). Question 4 Topic Five: What is the thesis for the chosen reading? o Outline the thesis in one complete sentence.it PLUS use in-text referencing! Question 5 Topic Five: Summarise chosen reading and include two (correctly referenced) quotations. o One detailed paragraph in which you outline the main supporting points. o Two quotations from the reading that are useful in understanding the text and that may be useful in your essays. ˜story’ ofthe reading, assume no prior knowledge ofthe reading on behalf ofthe reader. No more than 10% ofthe paragraph/s should be directly quoted. Use the ˜third person’ and in text referencing. Question 5 Topic Five: Complete a paraphrase using the following guidelines. o Choose one ofthe quotations that you included in the summary. o Quote: copy the complete passage (include quotation marks and appropriate in-text referencing). o Paraphrase: Write a paraphrase ofthe original passage, giving attention to retaining the author’s meaning in its particular context (include appropriate in-text referencing). Learning howto paraphrase is an important part of writing in the university culture. Each paraphrase entry involves understanding the meaning ofthe chosen passage within the reading. A passage can be a sentence or a group of sentences.Remember, a paraphraseinvolves changing the words AND the sentence structure of a short passage WHILE retaining original meaning. Question 7 Topic Five: Complete a critical reflection for the topic ˜Concepts, Worldviews and Paradigms’ using the following guidelines: o One to two paragraphs of critical reflections on the topic. Critical reflection involves both critique (critical thinking about the content) and reflection (what you think about because ofthe reading and lecture). o As part ofthis analysis, think about how this reading and lecture relates to the week’s topic -the introduction to the topic in the Unit Reader may be useful here. Also consider how this reading builds on or links to otherTLC12O readings and lectures. Are there common concepts or themes? Are there contrasts and similarities? o Your analysis can also include your response to the content ofthe reading and lecture, your views on the strengths (if any) and weaknesses (if any) ofthe arguments put forward. You can also comment on the style and structure ofthe reading and lecture “ are there any aspects that could be models for your own writing? o Lastly consider how this reading and lecture relates to your own experience as a learner. Are there any aspects that are familiar? Are there any aspects that help you to further understand university expectations and the university culture. support every knowledge claim you make J. HINT: Pretend you are writing a one paragraph review for an academic ˜blog’ which WILL be published¦make sure that all the punctuation/referencing/evidence/referencing is CORRECT BEFORE submission to maximize marks J. This task prepares you for writing academic essays¦keep this in mind while you are writing¦ie use the ˜third person’, use a formal academic tone etc. Make sure that this paragraph would make sense to someone who has never read the reading¦)




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