what apple company has to do

answer the following 279
April 7, 2023
human trafficking on hospitality industry
April 7, 2023

what apple company has to do

Note:This Mini Case consists of several articles concerning what happened at Apple. All articles are in the attachment

Follow the instructions clearly and carefully. There are examples of the mini case so you can have an idea

Following slides

  • Analysis-From a management perspective how did Apple get to where it’s at?What business strategy was it following.What has changed-what has team agreed on-is it a fundamental market shift or is it a short-term adjustment
  • Recommendation (Max two slides) -everyone in Hollywood etc. is saying go into with streaming.My thought is if everyone is saying do one thing we are missing something.
  • We are a team of consultants working for Apple to come up with some wild ass idea-so come up with something.
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