were the japanese internees who refused to serve in world war ii traitors or patriots explain your answer with examples from the readings viewings your paper may take any side or also present both viewpoints

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March 20, 2023
mgt 409 case 3 1
March 20, 2023

were the japanese internees who refused to serve in world war ii traitors or patriots explain your answer with examples from the readings viewings your paper may take any side or also present both viewpoints

Were the Japanese internees who refused to serve in World War II traitors or patriots? Explain your answer with examples from the readings/viewings. Your paper may take any side or also present both viewpoints.

700- 1000 words

  • Use appropriate margins, spacing, and fonts. If a paper is too short, using a large font doesn’t hide how short it is. If a paper’s too long, narrow margins and tiny type just highlight its length.

Margins: top – 1 inch; bottom – 1 inch;left – 1.25 inches; right – 1 inch

Spacing: DOUBLE

Fonts: for typewriters – any pica or elite, 12 point

  • Have a specific thesis.

Begin with an introduction, where the final sentence is one statement of the thesis, and end with a conclusion, where the final sentence is a different version of the thesis.

  • If you quote from or refer to a book or primary source, you must note it by giving the author and page number.
  • Underline or italicize book titles.
  • Underline or italicize foreign words.
  • CHICAGO formatting!!
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