April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023

Week 1 – Discussion Forum 1 2

When I attended school in the past, I never prepared myself to read anything, nor did I have a reading strategy. I would usually read whatever I had to pass the class, even if it took me forever. If I didn’t understand something that was going on, I kept rereading it until I understood, and if that didn’t work, I would ask for help, and that’s the reason why it took so long for me to get something done. I would also try to cram in everything at once so I could hurry up and finish.If I wasn’t reading for my pleasure, I didn’t like reading. The strategy that made me understand why I’m not too fond of academic reading, but I love reading for my pleasure, was ” knowing when to take a break”. Knowing when to take a break is hard for me, especially when I know it’s for class and has a particular time to turn it in. When you take a break, you give yourself time to understand what you read. You allow yourself not to be overworked.I know myself, and from what I know about myself, this strategy could be useful, and it could also be a Challenge. Taking a break during my academic reading could help me not get bored with reading so fast. Instead of cramming everything in at once, it will allow me to process the material. I wouldn’t feel rush or overworked.   The challenge of taking a break could cause me to forget about the reading and get to focus on my personal life. I may also take too long of a break, causing me to do what I don’t want to happen: cramming work in and being exhaustive afterward.I will apply the strategy I picked ( Knowing when to take a break) by setting a break time and a break time over alarm on my phone. The notices will guide me to not overdue, both the reading and taking a long break.Read the above and then do the following:Compare and contrast the strategy with the one you chose, and share whether their strategy may or may not work for you and why.Compose responses that are at least 100 words each.

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