using the draft proposal to establish an eim division at st rita s in the student manual critique the proposal and answer the following questions

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March 15, 2023
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March 15, 2023

using the draft proposal to establish an eim division at st rita s in the student manual critique the proposal and answer the following questions

  • Did the EIM team present a convincing business case for establishing a new EIM division at St. Rita’s?
  • b. Would you add anything to the team’s vision and mission statements for the EIM division? Why or why not?
  • c. Do you agree with how the EIM team proposed the organizational structure for the EIM division? Are there alternate structures the team could have recommended?
  • d. How would you evaluate the team’s recommendation for EIM implementation? Do you think this is a realistic approach? Do you think the team was too ambitious or not ambitious enough in its three-year plan?
  • e. What are some challenges that may impede a smooth implementation of the EIM division at St. Rita’s? What would you suggest be done to minimize these challenges?
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