answer following question 26
October 4, 2021
an analysis of the going concern assessment
October 4, 2021

unit 7 discussion 11

Qualitative Ethical Considerations

While new designs are being developed and refined, you should understand that a basic set of qualitative research designs includes phenomenology, grounded theory, case study, ethnography, or narrative.

  • Describe what qualitative design would most effectively address your research question.
  • Provide a 250–300 word write-up of a possible qualitative design.
  • Describe the ethical considerations involved in obtaining a sample. Be sure to consider the need for anonymity and confidentiality and for preventing a conflict of interest.

Note: You may choose a quantitative or qualitative design for your final research proposal. A draft of your research design and data collection procedures will be due next week, after we explore qualitative research designs more comprehensively.

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