discussion bored ha
October 13, 2021
application of the organizational theory concepts by weber fayol taylor and gulick 1
October 13, 2021

the scientific skeptic 1

In everyday life, we are regularly exposed to various claims about human psychology and human behavior. While some of these claims may be scientifically valid, many of them are not. Choose a psychological claim about which you are skeptical. If you are having trouble thinking of one, think about common areas of pseudoscience that you may have heard about (e.g., astrology, ESP, hypnosis) to help you generate ideas. In your paper, develop a research question that you have about the claim. Discuss how the scientific method could be used to test your research question as compared to one of the other methods mentioned in the module (method of tenacity, method of authority, a priori method).


In your opinion, are Freud’s theories scientific? Why or why not? What makes a psychological theory scientific? When responding to your classmates, discuss the points they raised to support their opinion. How could the scientific method be applied to these theories?

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