the exploitation equation child trafficking

intro to statistics exam 3
March 8, 2023
i need help to answer these questions about business law 4
March 8, 2023

the exploitation equation child trafficking

1. What is meant by child agency, and how are the two main forms of agency relevant to children in general and children in trafficking situations in particular?

2. What is meant by the inter-generational contract and what may be the implication of such social commitments for children working away from home?

3. How is child trafficking defined differently from human trafficking?

4. How do the following forces impact the causes of human trafficking:

a. Globalization

b. Economic disparities

c. Migration

5. Evaluate the efficacy of U.S. State Department initiatives to prevent trafficking and to protect victims.


Feel free to consult and cite textbooks, websites and any other forms of medium in preparing this work. Assignment should be at least 3 pages.

Whenever you directly quote from or paraphrase you must indicate the citation and

page number.

-Your references should be written in APA style. This includes the in-text citations as well as the references on a separate page.

Please make sure the assignment meets:

Mechanics: Assignment is typed or word processed and double spaced, minimum three pages, must be turn in by the due date on the Canvas. Please use APA style for citation. This includes the in-text citations as well as the references on a separate page.

Content: Focus on the topic assigned (Did it fully answer the question(s). Explain ideas or opinion stated. Provide logical explanations and/or use specific excerpts from the text to support arguments or answers. Reach logical, supportable conclusions and add a reference page for all your sources.

Format: The correct length Free of typos and spelling errors (punctuation, quotation marks) Free of bad sentence structure syntax (Grammar, complete and logical paragraphs). Properly formatted (font, margins, references, etc.)

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