the effects of mood on prosocial behavior

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September 21, 2021
about climate change
September 21, 2021

the effects of mood on prosocial behavior

This paper is the transcript of the oral presentation.

You need summarise the method, results and implications of the article ‘Too fatigued to care: Ego depletion, guilt, and prosocial behavior’:

1.Clear explanation of the background and aims of the study with a focus on how the study contributes to the current understanding of the topic

2.Brief overview of the method demonstrating understanding of factors that were controlled for in the design

3.Brief overview of the results and how they related to the hypotheses

4.Clear explanation of the interpretations of the research findings, highlighting any limitations in the study design

5.Clear explanation of how the findings add to our current theoretical and practical understanding of the topic

The topic is prosocial behavior of Personality and Social Psychology, The Effects of Mood on Prosocial Behavior.

Because this paper is the transcript of the oral presentation, the structure of this paper is much like an essay:

  • Introduction– an overview of the issue and the main ideas to be considered.
  • Body– the main ideas, reasoning, evidence and explanation provided.
  • Conclusion– a summary of what you have considered with repetition of key ideas.
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