ed506 leadership case study
March 23, 2023
discussion 1 amp discussion 2
March 23, 2023

the dao of pooh 1


You should use all prior course material, plus your own understanding, to compose a Poohish (Pooh-y?) essay response:

Taking care to express your understanding of Daoism via the concepts we went over in class,
choose one of the Pooh anecdotes recounted in The Tao of Pooh, and apply it to a personal experience of growth in understanding or spirituality that you would like to share.

Do not summarize unless you need to do so to make a point. (I have read The Tao of Pooh!)


Pick one of the following ways to formulate your response:

1. Calibri 11pt; double-spacing. Page limit is not set for this one, because you should write as much or as little as you need. Remember, however, that this is a midterm exam, and it would be wise to treat this assignment accordingly.

Files should be .doc, .docx or .pdf. No .pages.

2. You may design your way around your response by preparing a PowerPoint or Prezi. Font is yours to decide. Response to the prompt should still be essay-length/type, though you may space it out across many slides.

PowerPoint files are .ppt and .pptx. Cut and paste Prezi link into a Word doc for upload to Canvas.

3. Another alternative is explaining your answer in an audio or video file. Again, the response to the prompt should be long enough to count as essay length/type. Colloquial speech is permitted. …Only curse if you absolutely must.

Audio: mp3. Video: avi, wma/wmv, or .mp4. No .mov or .qt.

4. Or you could just toss the prompt and all the rules out the window. Include Pooh in some way though. It makes him happy 🙂

Bibliography and footnotes subject to whim and fancy. Use in-text citations for sacred text/s.

Use universal language (e.g. “humankind” not “mankind”).

This is the website for the textbook ( FREE ):


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