Creating the Home and Template Page
January 26, 2023
Portfolio Project
January 26, 2023


For this SyncSession assignment, you will assess the data collection instrument. First, select one of the three research questions identified. Using the survey map provided, identify the data being collected to measure the variables identified for that research question. For each variable associated with the research question, summarize the information about the data being collected in the following table:Construct Variable Variable Type Data TypeExample:Student Satisfaction  Instructor Ranking  Dependent  OrdinalAfter summarizing this information, write a short assessment (2-4 pages) answering the following questions about validity and reliability:Do the questions fit the variables being studied?Do the options provide appropriate measures of the variables?Can the options skew the responses?Does the instrument accurately measure the variables?Will the instrument yield the same results if used again under the same circumstances?

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