submit the revised research proposal or research paper from mamp 507 applying your learning in the capstone course and addressing instructor comments on your draft concept paper from mamp 507

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October 9, 2021

submit the revised research proposal or research paper from mamp 507 applying your learning in the capstone course and addressing instructor comments on your draft concept paper from mamp 507

Submit the revised research proposal or research paper from MAMP 507, applying your learning in the capstone course and addressing instructor comments on your draft concept paper from MAMP 507.

The research paper attached is 16 pages however it should be revised and shortened if possible.

Instructors comments

In general, the paper outlines the hypothesis that Recreational Therapy can be useful in working with veterans who have a PTSD diagnosis, and cites a number of other studies that have a PTSD connection, not necessarily related to RT. This is an OK start. However, the literature review does not methodically build a logical case for the hypothesis, and requires more focus and structure to do so. I recommend going back and looking at the articles that explain how to write a precis statement, and practice summarizing the articles that you have. Then, do a more precise search for articles that specifically deal with RT, even if veterans are not the target population. this will help you to build a relevant and balanced lit review, and possibly also refine your method for carrying out research. in general, this is good preparation for your capstone project, but I suggest making an advisement appointment with me sooner rather than later to get you pointed in the right direction

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