statistics discussion questions 1

marginal revenue product 2
March 26, 2023
reading reflections 15
March 26, 2023

statistics discussion questions 1

Answer both questions 1 and 2 in 150 words (or a little more, if, needed) each.

1. Explain the major differences between analyzing a one-way ANOVA versus a two-factor ANOVA, and explain why factorial designs with two or more independent variables (or factors) can become very difficult to interpret.

Although, an outside source maybe used to answer question 1, you must review and use information from one or all of the four “ANOVA” videos in the Calculations section of the “Statistics Visual Learner” media piece.

2. Explain how the ANOVA technique avoids the problem of the inflated probability of making Type I error that would arise using the alternative method of comparing groups two at a time using the t-test for independent groups.

Please note, you must use in-text citation for both, so if other sources are used please reference. No plagiarism!!

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