state three historical lenses that could be applied to your topic and explain how each lens can be applied 1

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September 22, 2021
servant leadership 10
September 22, 2021

state three historical lenses that could be applied to your topic and explain how each lens can be applied 1

State three historical lenses that could be applied to your topic and explain how each lens can be applied.

Describe how one of the lenses you just identified might change how the Historical Context and Introduction you previously submitted in Project 2 were written.

Discuss the conclusions you can draw from thinking about how history is told. Consider how historians are persuaded by their own biases, motivations, and influences of their time.

Describe how your research of a historical topic can help you understand contemporary issues, and try to list at least two related contemporary issues

After taking this course, what do you think about the statement “history repeats itself”? Do you think this is accurate? What information from the course guides you to this conclusion?

Discuss your obligation as a citizen of your society to understand the history behind issues that impact you every day.

Slide Title

Slide Text

Slide Visuals and Audio Ideas

Historical Lenses and History’s Value

My Topic

Three Historical Lenses

Lens 1

Lens 2

Lens 3

Historical Narrative

Our Lives

History’s Value

Does History Repeat Itself? My Opinion

Does History Repeat Itself? Evidence From the Course

Are Citizens Obligated to Know History?

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