1 please check question below 1
March 28, 2023
help with a few items 1
March 28, 2023

source anylsis

Submit your Annotated Bibliography. Begin the annotated bibliography with a statement of your argument. The sources that follow must include at least two primary sources and at least three secondary sources. Please note that your final paper will include at least four primary and four secondary sources. No more than two general website sources may be used (and those are not required). Your textbook does not count as one of these sources. For assistance in finding reliable scholarly and primary sources, please use the Guide to Research document. Each assignment will need to be listed using the Chicago-style citation format.

From 618 to 907 the Tang and Song dynasties ruled China as did the Byzantine Empire ruled Eastern Rome. Although the same time period, the two empires were seemingly worlds away and with the use of historical lenses the differences in technology, art, culture, religion, military and economy come to light. My final project will use the historical lenses (technology, science, art, culture, religion, military and economy) to compare and contrast the Song & Tang dynasties with the Byzantine Empire. These two dynasties are geographically and culturally diverse.


1. Hung, Hing Ming. 2013. Li Shi Min, Founding the Tang Dynasty : The Strategies That Made China the Greatest Empire in Asia. New York: Algora Publishing. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=632633&site=eds-live&scope=site.

2. Storozum, Michael J., Qin Zhen, Ren Xiaolin, Li Haiming, Cui Yifu, Fu Kui, and Liu Haiwang. 2019. “The Collapse of the North Song Dynasty and the AD 1048-1128 Yellow River Floods: Geoarchaeological Evidence from Northern Henan Province, China.” HOLOCENE 28 (11): 1759–70. Accessed July 19. doi:10.1177/0959683618788682.

3. 1123. Arch (triumphal arch).. Place: Barcelona: Mus. de Arte Catalu?a., From the Church of S. Climent in Tahull.. https://library-artstor-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/asset/AWSS35953_35953_31690015.

4. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/sozomen-co…

5. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-histo…

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