select one or more of these articles and post a short reflective piece explaining why this theoretical perspective interests you and how you might work further with these conceptual models of practice or inquiry

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select one or more of these articles and post a short reflective piece explaining why this theoretical perspective interests you and how you might work further with these conceptual models of practice or inquiry

[6.1] Theoretical Approaches Discussion

Read chapter 26 in the Routledge Handbook (Soeters et al. (2014)) (Theory-building) and then skim the articles in course resources on participatory action research, developmental perspectives, scholar-practitioner integration, and transformational learning to see which of these theoretical approaches most interests you. Select one or more of these articles and post a short reflective piece explaining why this theoretical perspective interests you, and how you might work further with these conceptual models of practice or inquiry.

250 words minimum with reference and citation

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