row six houses each house different color house colors are blue purple red white

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March 23, 2021
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March 23, 2021

row six houses each house different color house colors are blue purple red white

In a row of six houses, each house is a different color. The house colors are blue, purple, red, white, green, and yellow. Pets live in five of the six houses. The pets are a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, and a hamster. • The blue house is fourth from the left. • the cat lives in the white house. • the blue house is between the yellow house and the green house. • the cat does not live next to the dog, the bird, or the house with no pet. • the hamster lives in the first (left-most) house. •the white house is not next to the red house. • the bird lives next to the house with no pet.  Which colors of houses could be in the second row? Which Color house does the fish live in?  Which pets could live in the blue house?
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