discussion response 125
October 4, 2021
preparing for project 1 questions for gladwell
October 4, 2021

rhetorical analysis 89

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Your paper needs to be a minimum of three pages and formatted in MLA style. You will choose between two essays and write an analysis of the argument being presented. Both essays argue a different view about the Locavore movement. Choose one essay as the topic of your paper. Locavores are people who choose to eat food that is locally grown/produced in order to reduce their carbon footprint. What is considered local can vary depending on where you live and how spread out an area is, but generally locally means something within a 100 mile radius.

When writing your paper, keep in mind that I am not asking you to write a summary of the essay you selected. Instead you will be analyzing how the author presents their argument and whether they are successful at it.

Key things to address in your paper:

•The author –who are they, what is their background, what kind of tone do they use in their writing

• Author’s purpose – are they trying to persuade, convince, inform, explore

•Audience –who is the author writing for, who is their target audience

•Pathos – is their an emotional appeal, what kind of emotions

•Logos–what kind of evidence does the author present, is data available

•Ethos–does the author appear credible, what makes them believable, what credentials do they have

As you write your paper, use evidence/examples from the essay to highlight the above.

Remember, you are not necessarily summarizing the essay. Also, you don’t need to agree or disagree with what is being presented. Instead you’re analyzing how successfully the author argues their point

Stephen Budiansky

Stephen Budiansky, a former editor of U.S. News & World Report and of Nature and the recipient of a Guggenheim Award, writes chiefly about history and science.

Kerry Trueman

Kerry Trueman is a cofounder of EatingLiberally.org, a netroots Web site that, in her words, “advocates sustainable agricult

ure, progressive politics , and a less consumption -driven way of life.”



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