revise an essay i already wrote

module 2 slp assignment wonder company revised
March 16, 2023
write a brief response for each reading length 1 2 paragraphs for each 1
March 16, 2023

revise an essay i already wrote

Students will be permitted to revise one essay for a higher grade— either Essay #1 or Essay #2. Step 1: In order to receive a new score, students must make significant improvements to the original graded draft and track these improvements. For example, additions to the draft should be underlined, whereas omissions to the draft should include a strikethrough. Step 2: The new drafts must be re-submitted to the appropriate submission link on Canvas two weeks after the original grades were posted for the class, or sooner. Step 3: Students must include a brief explanation in the submission comment on Canvas describing what was revised and why. While a student’s grade will not be lowered, the improvement in score will be relative to the effort put forth and the quality of the new draft. It is highly recommended that students meet with the professor, visit a tutor at the English Writing Center, or get help from a tutor online via NetTutor for help before submitting a revision. *Revisions encourage students to continuously improve in their writing, and regardless of grade, all students are urged to revise their writing.*

Here’s what needs to be changed:

Title & Introduction: 1. Come up with an original title that includes the topic of graphic novels/comic books and also indicates that this paper will perform a rhetorical analysis. 2. Thesis does not answer key question in guidelines.

Organization: You have clear body paragraphs, but you use labels instead of topic sentences that make a claim about who did a better job.

Support & Integration of Sources: CommentsIn a rhetorical analysis, it is especially important to integrate quotations from both articles as much as possible since this analysis involves taking a close look at the precise language of each author.

Rhetorical Analysis & Evaluation of Sources: You need to focus less on summarizing what the authors are saying and more on analyzing and evaluating how they used the strategies, who was more effective, and why.

And also I need a small paragraph of: “Students must include a brief explanation in the submission comment on Canvas describing what was revised and why.

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