case study aeromexico integration of information systems
April 6, 2023
in need for an arabic speaker 1
April 6, 2023

response to peers 53

I need to give comments about what each of them said

Mayren Ocana :

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime-Nadine Burke Harris

This TED talk was a very eye opening experience. It is extremely easy to assume, that anyone with a rough childhood; may in fact turn to drugs an alcohol as a way to cope in the future. What I didn’t understand until now, is that there is actual scientific evidence, that proves how and why this actually occurs. The ACE system (Adverse Childhood Experience), is so specific with its numbers, that it is able to tell you what

you are most likely to suffer from depending, on your trauma(s). It is easy to diagnose someone with a “condition” and prescribe medication; that is all we know in America. You go to your local

and have the medications at hand within an hour or less at times. When you go above and beyond the norm of care, you find real answers like Nadine Burke Harris did. Out of seventeen and a half thousand people, 67% of them had at least one ACE.


, pulmonary complications and many more, can all be traced back to childhood trauma. What we now choose to do about this as medical professionals, is how we will begin to change the way that diagnosis are interpreted and disorders are treated.Technology and science are coming together in revolutionary ways and the future seems more and more optimistic. What will we learn 10 years from now? I guess time will tell.

Monica Avella :

How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris

After watching Pediatrician Nadine Burke’s video, it clearly clicked in my mind that some of conditions that emerge later in life were as a result of childhood adversity. According to her presentation, I identified that the childhood trauma is something one develops right from their early stages of life. According to Burke, repeated stress that result from abuse and neglect have a significant

on the development of the child’s brain. The impact does not come immediately during the childhood but it unfolds across lifetime of the involved child. The impact can result in a number of complications which include heart

and lung cancer. To me the video served as an eye open. It was clear to me that no matter what, it is the parent responsibility to ensure that the children’s childhood is effective and serves as a foundation of the future life. If a parent exposes the children to stressful situation, it will be evident in the future life that the children will never lead such a comfortable life. They will be suffering from trauma and

which eventually can result in the complications noted above.

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