response to discussion post minimum 100 words 95

discussion how important is electronic evidence collection
October 6, 2021
175 words reply 5
October 6, 2021

response to discussion post minimum 100 words 95

You just basically responding to the student of what you felt compelling and enlightening

Student paper down below:

When I was getting ready for this course I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was surprised at the amount of detail that this class went into. I found Alternative Dispute Resolution, to be interesting due to the amount of different ways that this process. “Dispute resolution processes can be used to resolve any type of dispute including family, neighborhood, employment, business, housing, personal injury, consumer, and environmental disputes.” (staff, 2019) Learning how these different processes are less costly and usually faster that traditional court processes was interesting to learn about. One good thing about these processes is that they are less formal and a lot of the times, the traditional court rules are flexible. As someone who has worked in the criminal justice field for several years, it was interesting to me because I located some alternative dispute resolution options that I have never heard of before. This will give me a leg up if I encounter these type of alternative dispute resolution options, in the future.

I have gone through a few elections, and changing leadership in sheriffs office, but learning how some states, and municipalities have dealt with change was interesting. A lot of the information I found there was no issues in the transition, I only found a few examples where there was animosity and people leaving due to the change in leadership. I found this especially interesting as someone who recently ran for public office and lost, it made me look at the way it effects those that already work in that particular agency. I also found it interesting with the amount of state and local agencies that have position specific training for all newly elected officials, such as judges, sheriffs, and court personnel.

The discussion boards I feel are key to the online learning process, it helps answer any questions you may have. Every student is given the same question, and it is intriguing how many different answers to the same questions you will receive. These different answers are key to the learning process, due to the different points of view and experience of the particular students. If you have any questions are unsure of something in the assignment reading others discussion board posts can and most likely will answer those questions. The use of the individual projects and the discussion board, I feel was the best use of assignments for this particular course.

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