response to discussion post minimum 100 words 92

memo managerial
September 30, 2021
2 page information security task
September 30, 2021

response to discussion post minimum 100 words 92

You just basically responding to the student of what you felt compelling and enlightening

Student paper down below:

Cameras without voice recording should be used for the protection of everyone within the building and outside including parking structures. These cameras should be used especially in courtrooms, hallways, common areas, and blind spots. Security have been working overtime because lack of armed guards and not enough funding. There should be a way to take funds from other departments to hire more guards. There are proper planning, and training for guards to learn in case of an incident or attack. There are technology used, collaboration with law enforcement, emergency agencies, and other authorities. Guards will also know the blueprint of the facility to vacate officials in an emergency situation. This is part of the emergency management plan (National Center for State Courts, 2019).

Thoughts about general security goals should be awareness of surrounding areas and faces. Security should patrol common areas of the building inside and out and look for suspicious people, bags left attended, intervene when violence occurs, and remove quick as possible without disruption. Because of lack of funding and staff other departments that are crossed trained might be asked to assist in an emergency. Violent acts has increased despite court security because offenders are not afraid and some might have mental illness. There was a time when the presence of armed security guards would scar people but not anymore. Between 2004-2010 violence has increased from 600 to 1400 (National Center for State Courts, 2019). When violence happen security can call Law Enforcement, Sheriff Department and U.S. Marshal for assistance. Paramedics can also be called onsite in case their services is needed.

Recommendation would be to ask retired law enforcement to volunteer at the courthouse. Some court security system might continue but the sheriff will communicate expectations regarding training and certifications for court officers (McLaughlin, 2017). There could also be staff that are crossed trained in case of an emergency. These staff members can secure a safe area for citizens while law enforcement remove the offender.

Funding is an important key factor despite security shortage its important to evaluate the safety of everyone. Making sure staff is present in case of an emergency includes the safety of jurors, judges, bailiffs, clerical, admins, visitors, security and more. Asking the federal government to fund security positions in the courthouse might be an option to seek. There could only be one answer yes or no.

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