jury discussion 3
March 16, 2023
for this assignment you have a choice choose one of the topics below to write about
March 16, 2023

reflective essay 47

Please see attachment for requirements and rubric

You will be completing what is known as a breaching activity. A breaching activity involves deliberately violating a social norm and observing how others react. Through this exercise, you will be seeing several course concepts in practice.I would suggest viewing the mini-lecture on social norms and reading chapter 3 of your textbook prior to completing this assignment, as it requires that you have some understanding of the concept.This assignment will also ask you to draw on concepts you learned from last week’s material.

•Participant observation—a method of studying human behavior

•Cultural norms–established rules of behavior or standards of conduct(social norms)

•Stigma—As you violate a social norm, other individuals may react negatively or seem confused by your behavior. During the activity, you will temporarily experience what stigmatized individuals may face on a daily basis.

•Labeling—You may find that people use a certain term to describe you as you are completing the activity Instructions: Think of a social norm to violate.

For the sake of this exercise, make sure it is a common social norm that most people follow without thinking. Examples include walking on a certain side of the sidewalk, dressing a certain way, facing a certain way in an elevator,etc. Remember that you can violate social norms in either a positive or negative way. DO NOT do anything illegal or dangerous as part of the breaching activity!Also, make sure to act as if what you are doing is totally normal. You should not tell others about the activity to avoid changing their behavior(the Hawthorne effect). Violate this norm over a long enough time to permit yourself to observe at least a few reactions from others. Jot down a few notes about their reactions as soon as possible so that you can recall these reactions later. Note: If you are having trouble getting anyone to react, try a different location, time of day, or different social norm. After completing your activity, ponder the experience and prepare a 2 page reflection essay.

You should address the following in your essay:

1.How did you conduct your activity? (i.e. describe what you did, what norm you violated, etc.)

2.How did others react to you while you were violating the social norm? (give some examples)

3.What were the reactions of those who observed your actions?Did you feel stigmatized or labeled? How did their reactions make you feel?

4.Based on your experiences, describe one advantage of participant observation as a method of studying social norms? 5.Based on your experiences, describe one disadvantage of participant observation as a method of studying social norms?

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