engc 1101 writing a positive evaluation of the website unicef org
October 13, 2021
networking 45
October 13, 2021

reading disscusion

Please read only the “Knowledge is Destiny” chapter for the Sagan reading (and look at the Cosmic Calendar)

Sagan and Dissayanake. Please read both.

After you finish all the reading, please answer the following questions.

According to Ellen Dissanayake, the arts “not only enhance our individual lives as Homo aestheticus, but [also are] essential for our evolution as a species” (Dissanayake 29). In what specific ways do the arts “enhance” or evolve the growth of mankind? According to Dissanayake, why are the arts deemed as one of the most increasingly crucial elements for our development as one of the most progressive species?

(Carl Sagan- The Dragons of Eden)

Is it true if our machines are able to interpret the language of being with higher intelligence there is a scenario that if the machines find more logic and relatability with higher intelligence we can be looking at extinction rather than evolution?

1.Beside scientific subjects, will extraterrestrial intelligence emotional & spiritual promoted knowledge like psychology ?

2.What is the connection between this passage and art?

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