read the 2 small documents and small videos then answer the questions

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April 6, 2023
assignment 1 job career research
April 6, 2023

read the 2 small documents and small videos then answer the questions

This week we look at two marketing campaigns, one deemed a success, one faced a considerable backlash. The key is to understand why one worked, and one did not work well.


“This is a story about how REI would take a risk by forgoing sales on the biggest shopping day of the year to express their brand beliefs, all in service of reinvigorating the relationship between the brand and the future of the outdoor community. The campaign put the brand at the heart of a cultural conversation and would change the way that brands and retailers act during the holiday shopping season. More importantly, #OptOutside would play a major role in adding over 1 million new members to the REI co-op, ensuring the brand’s success for generations to come.” ( 2016)

Please read the full document at: (2016) REI #OPTOUTSIDE. Retrieved from:

Please watch the video at:

Questions will come later.

The second case study…


In 2017 “Pepsi withdrew and apologized for an ad campaign featuring Kendall Jenner, after the company faced a backlash for a video that co-opted the imagery of protest movements to sell soda. “Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding,” the company said in a statement to the Associated Press. “Clearly we missed the mark, and we apologize.” ( 2017)

Please read the full document at: (2017) Pepsi pulls Kendall Jenner ad ridiculed for co-opting protest movements. Retrieved from:

Please watch the video at:


  1. Why did the REI campaign work so well for REI? If another brand had tried this first, say Macy’s or Walmart, would they have had the same kind of success? Yes/No? Why/Why/ Not?
  2. Why do you think the Pepsi had faced so much backlash? If Pepsi had used another celebrity do you believe the same backlash would have happened? Yes/No? Why/Why Not? Please be detailed.

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