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October 8, 2021
english 102 literature
October 8, 2021

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Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would like the author to explore further. no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use reference below

Effective facilitation for leading groups requires organization and preparation. It is important that the facilitator has a good understanding of what message is being conveyed so that it can be delivered in an effective way that the audience can understand. If your group does not know what the presentation is supposed to accomplish, how can the audience members make sense of what they are supposed to do with the information (Adams, & Galanes, 2017)? There are different settings, platforms, and subjects that require a variety of delivery styles when it comes to presenting to a group. Informative speech is used to educate or inform the group, persuasive speech is used to encourage your audience to do something with the information, and entertainment speech is used to get the audience to enjoy themselves and have a good time. Preparing ahead of time and gathering the necessary tools that a facilitator may need is an important step in the planning stage.Having a plan to deliver your message to a wide variety of participants will help the flow of the presentation and engage the audience.

Some good practices when facilitating for groups are: keep an open mind, engage everyone equally, knowledge check, take accurate notes, stay on topic, and ask for questions. When you properly prepare for a group meeting you will most likely provide an agenda that allows the meeting to stay on topic and gives the audience an idea of how long each segment will be. Looking for psychical cues from your audience will allow you to see if everyone is engaged and paying attention. Taking breaks and giving the group an opportunity to transition from each topic will keep the meeting on pace. Bad habits that facilitators exhibit are demanding to be the center of attention, discouraging ideas provided by participants, and letting topics or discussions go on and on, can all be a waste of time (Active Presence, 2013).

Nonverbal communication is important to consider when delivering a message to a group because it can reinforce, contradict, substitute complement or emphasize verbal communication (Lucas, 2015). If the verbal message we are sending does not match the non-verbal communication we are sending, we may not be able to gain the trust or buy-in from our audience. When facilitating when must consider our own body language as well as the groups we are presenting to, as a means of communication in order to determine how well the message is being delivered.

One effective style of leadership is transformational leadership. This style transforms followers to rise above their self-interests by altering their morale, ideas, interests and values, motivating them to perform better than initially expected (International Conference on Information Management, 2011). This particular style encourages creativity amongst a group by promoting critical thinking and motivation to think outside the box. One leader that I admire who exhibits the transformational leadership style is my current direct supervisor. She manages her workgroup by providing opportunities to analyze, test, and lead projects that enhance their career skills. She works alongside her group to provide careful statistics for the organization we are employed with. She encourages her group to come up with ideas that are unique and take risks to provide solutions to issues and obstacles we face on a daily basis. By leading her group to think outside the box we are able to participate in high-level projects and lead other members of the company.

One style of leadership that may not be effective is the Laissez-Faire Leadership style. This style of leadership is more hands-off and passive (Adams, & Galanes, 2017). This style is not effective because the leader is not as involved with the group and may seek direction from other members in order for the group to succeed. Being hands-off as a leader may cripple the ability of the group because there is not enough direction to get work done and solve issues.


Adams, K., & Galanes, G. (2017). Communicating in groups: Application and skills (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Active Presence. (2013, October 7). Facilitation skills: Best & worst facilitator practices [Video file]. Retrieved from Facilitation Skills: Best & Worst Facilitator Practices

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