Maximum 1000 words as a research paper format .
No plagiarism.
APA document
Each student will select one of the qualitative research papers attached and for that paper, identify and comment on the theoretical perspective and key ethical issues apparent in the paper.
From the selection of qualitative research papers attached, select one. Identify and comment on the theoretical perspective and key ethical issues apparent in the paper.
In preparing your assignment, you should consider the following questions:
- Is there an explicitly stated theoretical perspective guiding the research? If yes, what is it? If no, is it implicit & what is it?
- To what extent (in any) are the research design, methods, findings and reporting style clearly linked to the theoretical perspective?
- How are ethical issues identified and addressed in the paper?
- What ethical issues do you think might have arisen in the conduct of this research? What advice would you give the research team about how to address them?
Papers for assignment 1
Remember, select one of these papers on which to base your assignment.
Please find the attached papers and do the task as per the requirement.
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