python code informactice 3 question

Securing Cloud Hypervisors: A Survey of the Threats,Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures
January 15, 2023
January 15, 2023

python code informactice 3 question

1.Write an algorithm for resolving a battle among the classic Pokemon types.The user should select a type of either fire, water or grass. The computer should randomly select one of those three types as well.To determine if the user or computer wins, or if it is a draw: fire is stronger than grass, grass is stronger than water, and water is stronger than fire. Whomever chose the stronger type is the winner. If both chose the same type it is a draw.Seeherefor an example of what an algorithm should look like. Your algorithm should be at a similar level of detail.Seehere(Links to an external site.)( for an example of the interactions and determining a winner (the example has pictures, your algorithm needs only to consider text based inputs and messages)If you submit python code instead on an algorithm you will not receive points for this question.2.Write a program that ask the user for a string as input. It should duplicate of all the characters in the string and print it back out to the user. For example: AbC123 would be printed out as AAbbCC1122333.Write a program that takes two lists and displays the items that occur in both lists. For example: [“a”, “b”, “c”] [“c”, “a”, “d”] would display a and c

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