Establishing My Academic And Career Path (As An MPH: Masters’ In Public Health)
July 10, 2019
July 10, 2019

Public Health Nursing

Directions: For this assignment, answer the following questions based on the case study, “Applying Exercise State of Change to a Low-Income Undeserved Population”. Use complete sentences when answering each question. Answers to each question should be more than one sentence in length.

1) What was the behavior change theory that was used for this study? Why was this theory selected? Do you think it was the best choice for this study design? How was this model measured? (4 points)

2) Who was the target population for this study? Why was this population group selected? (4 points)

3) Propose how social disparities may have been a factor in the study results. (4


4) How can this study be used for future research on behavioral change within this population group? (4 points)

5) What are some limitations to this study? Will these limitations affect the applicability of the trans-theoretical model to other low-income populations? (4 points)

Assignment Grading Criteria (Each question is worth 4 points)


Question Grading Criteria                                                                                         Points Possible


Subject knowledge                                                                                                                      2


Mechanics of writing (includes   spelling, punctuation,                                         1

grammar, language use)

Included an example, supporting   evidence, and/or rationale                           1


Total                                                                                                                                                      4

Score calculation:  Total earned   / 20 x 10 =


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