Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. I need this completed by 03/03/18 at 5pm.
Respond by Day 5 to both of my colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
· Provide an alternate perspective on the meaning of cultural competence for a counselor.
· Provide an alternate suggestion for training.
· Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made. If a post already has two responses, you must choose another post.
Please thoroughly read the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric attached to evaluate both the posts and responses. There are four components evaluated for each Discussion Post and Response.
1. Responsiveness to Discussion Question /9
2. Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Synthesis /9
3. Professionalism of Writing /5
4. Responsiveness to Peers /9
To get the highest grade possible, ask yourself if you have SURPASSED the following standards as you re-read your posts BEFORE submitting them:
1. Response to Peers: Do my peer responses indicate that I have read, thought about, and selectively responded to my colleague’s discussion posts in a complex way? Are my responses engaging, insightful, reflective of current events, or relevant to some experience I have had? Rather than just demonstrating agreement with the ideas presented by a colleague, or randomly quoting some resource in order to satisfy a formulaic inclusion of a citation and a reference, you are encouraged to provide an engaging response post which specifically builds upon the ideas of your colleague in an original and substantial manner, including relevant professional resources that go beyond what you are required to read for the course.
1. (A. Ola)
Culturally Competent Counseling
In this post, I will briefly describe what it means to be a culturally competent counselor. Then I will discuss the importance of being culturally competent in my practice. Next, I will explain my level of self-awareness, knowledge, and skills related to cultural competence. Finally, I will describe the training I will need to become culturally competent as a counselor.
Cultural Competence
A culturally competent counselor is one who has self-awareness, knowledge, and skills on a personal and interpersonal level that allows them to “function effectively with a culturally diverse population” (Hays, 2016; Sue & Sue, 2016, p. 747). As a multiculturally competent counselor, it is imperative to be aware of the impact of one’s own biases, values, inherited familial and social beliefs before change towards a higher level of cultural competence can be achieved (AMCD, 1996; Sue & Sue, 2016). It impossible for human beings to remain completely free from bias, so counselors must continue to self-monitor their effectiveness (ACA, 2014, Standard C.2.d.; Sue & Sue, 2016). However, to increase in knowledge and understanding of the diverse cultural influences of self and others on the way we engage with the world, a counselor must begin the process of self-awareness, gaining knowledge and an increased level of skill (Hays, 2016). “Being able to recognize, understand and overcome resistance to multicultural counseling training is essential to becoming a culturally competent counselor (Sue & Sue, 2016, p. 21). By accepting and embracing the cultural differences of others, multiculturally competent counselors are in a better position to meet the needs of a growing, diverse population in the United States of America (AMCD, 1996; Killian, 2015; Sue & Sue, 2016).
Self-Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
The American Counseling Association (ACA), 2014 Code of Ethics, requires counselors to be aware of their own values, biases, and influences to ensure they do not impose those practices and beliefs on clients (ACA, Standard A.4.b.). As a counselor in training, who has exposure to practices, cultural norms, and relationships within various cultural and ethnically diverse communities, I have a moderate level of self-awareness about my own biases (Hays, 2016). I also possess a moderate level of knowledge and skills about understanding different cultural influences within a small sector of the population (Hays, 2016). I believe I have a minimal level of competence with clients from diverse cultural ethnic/racial, religious minorities, some sexual orientations and people groups from national origins of indigenous descent, which is needed to support clients within our increasingly diverse nation (Hays, 2016, Killian, 2015). My level of self-awareness, knowledge, and skills related to cultural competence needs to increase to meet the diverse needs of multicultural and intercultural clients that will come in for counseling (Hays, 2016; Killan, 2015; Sue & Sue, 2016).
Increasing Cultural Competence
Although it is impossible to be culturally competent with all the cultural diversity of our nation and world, cultural competence is still to be aspired to by all ethical counselors (Hays, 2016; Killian, 2015; Sue & Sue, 2016). Multicultural training to increase skills and knowledge will be needed to increase my level of cultural competence and cultural humility (ACA, 2014, Standard A.11.b.; Sue & Sue, 2016). Various techniques and interventions can be implemented such as the use of the tripartite framework, ADDRESSING acronym and ADDRESSING framework to increase my “understanding of the effects of diverse cultural influences on my own beliefs, thinking, behavior and worldview,” as well as the complex cultural identity of others (Hays, 2016, p. 11; Sue & Sue, 2016).
Without taking into account the multicultural uniqueness of client influences and experiences, a counselor can do more harm to clients who come in seeking help (ACA, 2014, Standard A.2.c., A.4.a.; Sue & Sue, 2016). It is essential for counseling practitioners to safeguard the dignity and welfare of clients (ACA, 2014, Standard A.1.a.). The ACA (2014) Code of Ethics requires counselors “to consider both the positive and negative implications of a diagnosis” (Standard, E.5.d.). A counselor who fails to “consider historical and social prejudices in the diagnosis of pathology,” without sensitivity to alternative cultural views is more likely to stereotype or even misdiagnosis clients (ACA, 2014, Standard E.5.c., Hays, 2016; Sue & Sue, 2016). When completing intake with clients with whom the counselor has little experience the ACA (2014) Code of Ethics requires counselors to obtain increased knowledge, education, and training and to consult with other counselors or professionals with that specialty (Standard C.2.a., C.b., C.2.e.). According to the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) Multicultural Counseling Competencies (1996) I can increase my cultural competence using such techniques as staying abreast of the latest research in the field, and engagement with and receiving training regarding the historical backgrounds, heritage, practices and life experiences of diverse cultural groups within the community in which I will work and live (AMCD, 1996). As a multiculturally competent counselor, I must undergo the process of continual self-awareness, increased skill, and knowledge to efficiently set a therapeutic environment that recognizes and embraces the unique cultural perspectives of others. With a recognition that some levels of bias and physical response will remain, I must continuously monitor and challenge personal prejudices, attitudes and behavioral responses throughout the practice of counseling in the field (Hays, 2016; Project Implicit, n.d., Sue & Sue, 2016).
The American Counseling Association (2014) Code of Ethics requires counselors to obtain multi-cultural competence and work in collaboration with clients (Standard A.2.c., C.2.a.). Developing cultural competence is a lifelong process (Hays, 2016). To meet the needs of an increasingly diverse nation, counselors can use various techniques to increase self-awareness, other awareness, skills and knowledge (ACA, 2014 Standard C.2.a.). The ADDRESSING format can support increasing cultural awareness by beginning the process of asking questions that will enhance understanding of client worldviews (Hays, 2016). By obtaining cultural competence training, knowledge and experiences in cultural areas for which a counselor lacks expertise, and by interacting with communities of culturally diverse populations counselors can obtain additional training and higher levels of competence in understanding various client cultural worldviews and experiences (AMCD, 1996). To avoid negatively impacting clients a counselor must remain self-aware of biases and physiological responses to client issues, as well as a humble, compassionate and open demeanor; counselors can provide a welcoming environment where clients change may be possible (Hays, 2016; Sue & Sue, 2016).
American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics [White Paper]. Retrieved from
Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD). (1996). AMCD multicultural counseling competencies. Retrieved from
Hays, P. A. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and
therapy (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Killian, K. D. (2015). Couple therapy and intercultural relationships. In Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L., & Snyder, D. (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy (5th ed., p. 1 -18). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Project Implicit. (n.d.). Preliminary information: Take a test. Retrieved from
Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2. (A. Ox)
In today’s diverse world, it is imperative for professional counselors to become culturally competent. Each culture has their own ways of doing things and beliefs in family structure, how emotions are addressed, and how they interact with one another. For this reason, it is very important for a counselor to understand that there is no one size fits all method to counseling and he or she must be aware of how to address problems with clients of a different culture.
Cultural Competence
To be culturally competent not only means a professional counselor understand themselves and their personal biases, but also takes the time to understand their client’s cultural background, beliefs, values, and heritage (Jones, et al., 2016). The Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) Multicultural Counseling Competencies (1996) note the need for counselors to understand social injustices that clients of multicultural backgrounds face; discrimination, racism, and oppression. The competencies go further to discuss the necessity for counselors to understand his or her social impact and seek further education of multicultural backgrounds to be better able to help multicultural clients.
Personal Cultural Competence
Since beginning my journey to become a licensed marriage, couple, and family counselor, I have spent quite some time working on my self-awareness. I have come to understand that I benefit from white privilege. I also have become aware how that privilege plays a role to continue to discriminate and create a world of inequality. Although, this privilege is not something I asked for, I am inherently positioned with it and it is my responsibility to use that to help advocate for social justice. Pamela A. Hays (2016) discusses how understanding privilege could create a sense of authority or power, which has not been the case with me. As Hays goes on to discuss, humility is an important trait for counselors to have. I believe I have that humility and compassion she discusses.
As for my knowledge, I have the self-awareness of my own biases and privilege, but I hold very little knowledge of other cultures. However, I do feel that I have cultural sensitivity and desire to learn as much as I can of other cultures to be able to help multicultural clients. Derald Wing Sue and David Sue (2016) discuss how many white students begin feeling defensive and unfairly blamed for the injustice the members of minority groups face. The one advantage I have is that my anger is directed towards the injustice itself and it encourages me to pursue how I can increase my skill set and become an advocate.
Training Needed
Further education in other cultures is something I definitely need to focus on. Learning through observation of a supervisor, who is culturally competent, is another way to develop a better understanding of helping multicultural clients. The AMCD Multicultural Counseling Competencies (1996) also state that competent counselors continue to seek out education and review their self-awareness regularly. Seminars, educational classes, and collaboration with multicultural competent colleagues will help me to gain the skills needed to become a well-trained and multicultural competent counselor.
AMCD multicultural counseling competencies. (1996). Retrieved from
Hays, P. A. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Jones, J. M., Begay, K. K., Nakagawa, Y., Cevasco, M., & Sit, J. (2016). Multicultural counseling competence training: Adding value with multicultural consultation. Journal Of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 26(3), 241-265. doi:10.1080/10474412.2015.1012671
Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Required Resources
· Read the Course Introduction area and watch the video Introduction to Multicultural Counseling with Dr. Bass (approximate runtime: 2 minutes).
· Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
o Section One, “The Multiple Dimensions of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy” (pp. 1–2)
o Chapter 1, “Obstacles to Cultural Competence: Understanding Resistance to Multicultural Training” (pp. 5-36)
o Chapter 2, “The Superordinate Nature of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy” (pp. 37-69)
o Chapter 3, “Multicultural Counseling Competence for Counselors and Therapists of Marginalized Groups” (pp. 71-104)
· Hays, P. A. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
o Chapter 1, “The New Reality: Diversity and Complexity” (pp. 3-18)
o Chapter 2, “Essential Therapist Knowledge and Qualities” (pp. 19-37)
· AMCD multicultural counseling competencies. (1996). Retrieved from
· Ratts, M. J., Singh, A. A., Nassar-McMillan, S., Butler, S. K., & McCullough, J. R. (2015). Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies. Retrieved from
· Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012g). Setting the stage. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 30 minutes.
In this video, Drs. Derald Wing Sue, Teresa LaFromboise, Marie Miville, and Thomas Parham discuss messages that they were raised with as people of color, prejudice and bias in counseling, and different definitions of “cultural competence” as they apply to multicultural counseling.
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Optional Resources
· American Counseling Association (ACA). ACA Code of Ethics. (2014). Retrieved from
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