political challenges and transnational criminal jurisdiction

discussion 2512
October 19, 2021
design a poster to advertise a hotel
October 19, 2021

political challenges and transnational criminal jurisdiction

Please discuss the following question:

1. What role have states played in the evolution of global justice as separate from their own national concepts of justice? Are they enablers or scapegoats – or something else?

Please provide a current event news link that illustrates your answer. News sources on the internet may be found in our Library (see the link on the left-side toolbar). The best database is Lexis Nexis. Do an “advanced search” to set date parameters to the past six months.

Remember to read your texts, watch the videos, and read any other materials in Week Four Lessons. Include those ideas in your discussions.

I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on your topics!

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