please see the questions in the requirements

dq 2 week 9 replies 3
March 30, 2023
variety of questions 1
March 30, 2023

please see the questions in the requirements

A.) Discussion-Attached you will find a very useful article titled “Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security”. Read the article carefully and address the following question:1- Do you have any experience with any of the scams listed on the paper? 2- Explain two Scams and list how you could avoid or detect them. Need 300 words

B.)Most of computer attacks could be traced to the fact that security engineers do not fully understand the psychology of the users as well as how scammers get to fool their victims. Attached you will find a very useful article titled “Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security”. Read the article carefully and address the following questions: 1- Do you think understanding scams as an engineer will make the system you design more secure? 2- Psychology of the user is a key factor when it comes to system security. Is a security engineer supposed to be a psychologist then? 3- Do you have any experience with any of the scams listed on the paper? Need 600 words and APA style and have attached template for APA style

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