please respond to student dicussion boards

business management 81
March 20, 2023
module 8 discussion forum 9
March 20, 2023

please respond to student dicussion boards

You are responding to the student discussion board. I gave you the tittle of each post. minimum word count is 250 for each.

This discussion board is about: In considering the IEP development of a student with ASD, what members of the team should have input in the creation of the IEP? Why?

(SUZ) All members of the IEP team should contribute to the process of developing the IEP. It is important for the child’s parents to have an opportunity to contribute and understand what goals their child is working towards and what services the school is providing (Rothstein, Johnson, 2014). The classroom teacher needs to understand what goals the student is working towards. The special education teacher needs to ensure that the student’s goals and supports are meeting the child’s needs and within the parameters of the law (Rothstein, Johnson, 2014). The special service teachers (SLP’s, OT & PT) need to understand what the goals of the student are as well. All of these members of the team also must mutually agree on the goals to ensure collaboration. The child’s strengths should always be considered when developing an IEP (Rothstein, Johnson, 2014). Parents and teachers may have differing views on the child’s strengths and collaboration in identifying strengths will build a stronger plan for the student.

I have found that it has been helpful for me as a teacher to hear a parent’s point of view on their child’s strengths, it sometimes opens up a new view for me on my students. I also have had the experience of sharing my views of a child’s strength with their parents and have surprised parents with information they were not aware of. In one particular situation the parent started crying happy tears when she heard what her son was doing at school that she didn’t even know he was capable of! It was a fun moment for all of us in the meeting to celebrate a success of a student.


Rothstein, L., Johnson, S., (2014), Special education law 5th edition, Sage publications, Thousand Oaks CA.

(VER) According to Rothstein and Johnson (2013), When providing special education services there a variety of individuals involved in the process and each and every one of them play a vital role in the educational system where it is important to be able to communicate as a team to develop the best appropriate plan for the students with disabilities (Rothstein & Johnson, 2013). Parents also play a very important role in the process because they are often the decision makers during the development in the IEP plan.

All members that are providing “related services” should be part of the development of the plan because they play an important role in programming and putting in place the adequate support systems for the student (Rothstein & Johnson, 2013).

Under IDEA, all involved should be properly trained with required qualifications and certifications to make sure all decisions being made are in accordance with the state law (Rothstein & Johnson, 2013).

I think it is important that all team members have input in the development of the IEP because we all are experts in our own area, for example, as a special education teacher I can provide academic input along with input on educational goals; however, I would not be able to provide any input in regards to occupational therapy or speech and language pathology. Parents play an important role in the process, but I work in low income community where many of our parents are depending on us to create the best plan for their children. In order to come up with the best individualized plan that meets that needs of the student, all the team members input should be taken into consideration. In the district I work with, we collaborate prior to the meeting where we staff and discuss our views and input prior to having a meeting, no decisions are made but we do discuss any important information in order to be in the same place regards FAPE and LRE.

Rothstein, L., & Johnson, S. F. (2013). Special education law (5 ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE th Publications, Inc. ISBN-13: 9781452241098

This dicussion board is about: How can special educators ensure that parents have input in IEP development? What can educators do if parents refuse to attend an IEP meeting? What are the ethical considerations involved in IEP development and parental involvement?

(BRAN) believe parent input is the most helpful. They know their child the best and knowing their concerns can help. It is also nice to use the same techniques that way it is routine throughout their day. I send a questionier home with the notice of conference. It includes questions about what their child is good at, concerns, and hobbies. I try my hardest to work around the parents schedule when scheudling the IEP meeting. This can be difficult when their are more people on the IEP team. I usually get a list of dates/times form the parent and try to make one of those times work for everyone. If the parent is unable to attend when phone conference them in. Making sure parents get the notice of conference 10 days prior to the IEP meeting is very important. It is also important to document each time you try contacting the parent to scheudle the appointment. We use power IEP and there are 3 different slots to include communication.

(DEB) It can be very frustrating when parents do not show up for meetings. I teach in a Title I school and I have to typically send home a letter, make a phone call and send a class DOJO reminder message to about 80% of my families. Each year I get a handful who do not show up for any meetings. This year we had an eval meeting and an IEP meeting on speaker phone. anther mom said do whatever, send home what I have to sign. I worked with her child an entire school year and never met her. Parents are an important part of the team and their input it vital, but for many reasons, work, anxiety, even substance abuse, they are not able to be present.

Over the years I have go to homes, work, I have had IEP meetings in parents cars, at a picnic table on the playground. One time a mom avoided th whole situation and when I walked out to her car, she tried to run me over. That is not an exaggeration. Her mother called the school to apologize for her daughters behavior (she was in the car with her) and said she was recently diagnosed with Bi-Polar and asked me to please not press any charges. My principal assigned the child to another case manager and the mother continued to be aggressive but the grandmother took over and things got better. I have had IEPs signed in jail, DCYF has had to get some paperwork signed and of course sometimes the paperwork gets sent home.

It can be a challenge to get parents in but it is important that we exhaust every option to do so. It is our ethical responsibility as educators that we do so. I am fortunate the my school has a full time social worker and she goes above and beyond to help us get parents in for meetings.

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