please be specific to the question and elaborate the answers in detail and add the the proper citation

discussion post forum 4 connecting through listening and empathy
April 7, 2023
benchmark supply chain integration 3
April 7, 2023

please be specific to the question and elaborate the answers in detail and add the the proper citation

This assignment covers chapter eleven, Corporate Performance, Governance, and Business Ethics, and chapter twelve, Implementing Strategy in Companies That Compete in a Single and Multiple Industries.

Chapter 11 Questions

  1. Define stockholder and stakeholder. What is the difference between the two? How companies distinguish stakeholder.
  2. What process does a company adopt to go through to and respond to stakeholders’ concerns? What are the steps in this process?
  3. What is the agency problem? What are the governance mechanisms that can be put in place to guard against this problem?
  4. Describe internal controls and strategies that can be implemented to ensure ethical behavior within a company. Why internal controls to maintain ethical concerns are important?

Chapter 12 Questions

  1. How can organizational design contribute to competitive advantage? What elements in organizational design are important?
  2. Describe how a strong organizational culture leads to transparency, ethics, and to competitive advantage within a company.
  3. How do corporations develop strategic plans for single or multidivisional structures? What are some advantages and problems in implementing a multidivisional structures?
  4. How do companies implement strategies at a global level? What organizational structures help them develop competitive advantage?
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