Purpose: DiscussionThing to Remember: Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside peer-reviewed sources. 1 References find resources that are 5 years or less No errors with APA format 6th EditionDiscussion:Physician assistants verses Nurse Practitioners are both similar and different. First thing is the viewpoints and attitudes towards healthcare nurses take the nursing approach where physician assistants take a medical style. (nursingjournal 2017) Nurse practitioners (NPs) work in a variety of settings. So do physician assistants (PAs). They can both be found in hospitals and clinics from rural to urban practices. PAs care for a variety of conditions. So do NPs. They both treat illnesses provide patient teaching and prescribe medications often acting as the primary care provider. (2011 January 09) Both professions are important and are needed to assist in the growing demand on health care. They both have advantages and disadvantages. NPs are a little freer as in they can practice in their own clinic whereas PAs need to have a medical doctor oversee their work.Nurse practitioners are considered part of the advance practice nursing core but the difference between APNs and NPs is the path of specialty they go towards. NP are often more of a general practitioner where other APNs specialize in areas such as mid-wifes or anesthesiology. the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role was created for the following reasons: (1) to provide direct care to patients with complex diseases or conditions; (2) to improve patient care by developing the clinical skills and judgement of staff nurses; and (3) to retain nurses who are experts in clinical practice. (Hamric 2014 p. 359) Many people if they do not feel like there is advancement in their job or profession will quit and move to another job nursing is no different. Many nurses want to be recognized but do not necessarily want to go back to school to further their education.ReferencesHamric A. B. Hanson C. M. Tracy M. F. & OGrady E. (2014).Advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach. St. Louis MO: Elsevier/Saunders.Http://nursejournal.org/ 2. N. (n.d.). Nurse Practitioner Vs. Physician Assistant. Retrieved June 22 2017 from http://nursejournal.org/nurse-practitioner/np-vs-physician-assistants/Nurse Practitioner vs. Physician Assistant. (2011 January 09). Retrieved June 22 2017 from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/07/AR2011010704936.html