objective identify the health of usa

due in week 5
April 9, 2023
governor for the state program combating proliferation of drugs 4
April 9, 2023

objective identify the health of usa


The link above is the same thing below I don’t really know how to do it so this is the only directions I can provide

take your time it will be a lot of work

Community Project

National Statistics and Final 4th and 5th step combined


Mrs. Holtsnider


Objective: Identify the health of USA

  1. Research: Use 3 government and/or educational websites for research per issue. Remember you are looking up 2 issues and finding out how bad the problem is in the United States. Do one of them at a time~!!! This should take you approximately 30 mins.per issue. Please follow the steps below for each one separately.

2. Summarize the results of your findings/statistics, etc. from the 3 articles. Try to include what the scholars saying about the future of the problem and how to fix it? Please don’t give in to the temptation to cut and paste. Use your own words. Cite your resources.

Format like this:

Article #1: Copy and paste the url

Write a Summary

Article #2 Copy and paste the url

Write a Summary

Article #3 Copy and paste the url

Write a Summary

3. Write a Hypothesis (A supposition or explanation (theory) that is provisionally accepted in order to interpret certain events or phenomena, and to provide guidance for further investigation.) as to why you think the trends have gone up or down in the United States? (If this continues to happen then…)

4. Identify 2 community wide effective solutions that you hope will someday create change in your own community and the united states. One of the solutions is something you come up with on your own and can potentially implement in your community. ( Westlake, TO, Van Nuys, Malibu, etc.) Spend a lot of time and thought on these solutions. This should take you 30 mins each issue. The other solution may be one you see implemented already in a state that is confronting the problem and fixing it. Identify what organization is doing this and where. Attach a link to their website.


For Each Solution write out how you will implement it in your community. So you are looking at a wide program.

1. Tell me who is funding the program.

2.What are you offering to your community?

3.Where will this take place in your community?

4. When will the program be offered and how many times?

5. How are you going to present, publicize the program in the community.

These questions need to be answered for each solution . Remember when you implement a solution it needs to be community wide not just one school, church, team etc.

If you want to have a solution spread by word of mouth for education, someone has to manage that and take time to keep that message going so how would that person do that?

Final Power Point Requirement

Create at least 10 slide Powerpoint with the following information. You will share this powerpoint in class. You will only be doing 2 for your final. Please include either your Spiritual or Mental/Emotional issue for one of them. Remember the 5×5 rule. Put other information on your note cards or paper.

Intro slide

1.Your Name and issues you want to fix.

2.Share your national stat and your community stats that you found in your research

include charts of your stats for both the community and the nation.

3. Share your hypothesis from your research

4. share your solution- include pictures – more detail in your notes. You created them in the research paper now put them on a powerpoint.

Solutions- make sure they are implemented on a community wide program. Tell me who is funding the program. What are you offering to your community? Where will this take place in your community? When will the program be offered and how many times? How are you going to present, publicize the program in the community. These questions need to be answered for each solution . Remember when you implement a solution it needs to be community wide not just one school, church, team etc.

Reminder of stats of your given community


Youth group -35%

51% unhealthy diet leading to obesity

45% of teens have a sedentary lifestyle due to gaming

65% athletes

70% are addicted to their phones and social media

70% getting a solid education

30% don’t like school

15% don’t have friends at school

47% get the recommended hours of exercise a week

30% are Smokers

60% Use Alcohol

30% Vape on campus

40% Use Marijuana

15% use Prescription drugs illegally

10% use Other drugs – cocaine meth xtc

25% are Sexually active – 75% use condoms

30% are Bullied 25% happens at school 35 % on line 40% sports teams

13% are racial bullying

42% Daily social media use other than school 2-4 hours

37% get Less than 6 hours of sleep

56% get Between 6-8 hours

57% suffer from Anxiety

15% Suicidal thoughts

85% have a support network of friends

15% have no outside support or social group that gives them purpose and meaning in life

75% know someone who has attempted or committed suicide

76% Workload for school

50% Family crisis

80% experience cyber bullying

55% engage in illegal internet communication (sexting etc.)

35% gaming addictions


30% single parent families

25% divorce rate

75% of parents have a college degree

43% of Family members suffer from mental illness like anxiety

50% Family drug/alcohol addiction

47% Attend church

Average work week per parent 60 hours for dads 35 hours for working moms

86% of families have health care

75% of families eat dinner out at least 4 times a week

37% of parents get the recommended amount of weekly exercise to stay healthy

70% of families have a family member that has dealt with or is dealing with cancer/dementia or other life threatening illness.

Helpful links:















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