week 13 eddie
March 15, 2023
assignment 1 compensation practice 3
March 15, 2023

need help with my paper 8

I need help with the executive summary of my paper and section 7 of my paper. My idea is to give Students a discount at Starbucks on coffee or tea purchases of 10-15%.

Attached I will have the guidelines that need to be followed.

I specifically need help with the following below:

I. Executive summary. Briefly explain the key features of your business plan and why your product or service is better than that of your competition in the eyes of the target market. Remember that your goal is to give the intended audience the most essential information up front, while convincing them to read further for details. (1 page in length)

VII. Refinement. This section should highlight processes for reviewing and refining branding and other activities surrounding the new product or service. (8-9 pages)

A. How and when will you evaluate the success of the new product or service and its branding? Be sure to suggest processes that occur at regular

intervals and extend across the business, explaining how results will impact decisions on whether to continue or to initiate exit strategies.

B. What regular, business-wide feedback loops and processes will you implement to support the new idea, keep it on track, and make mid-course

corrections as needed? For example, will you adjust business functions and/or facilitate regular communication across departments? How will

you collect relevant information and ensure its accuracy?

C. In planning for the future, how will you identify and integrate other factors that might affect implementation of the new idea into your business

decisions and planning? In other words, what other things do you need to consider when moving forward?

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