identify 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals related to your professional aspirations
March 29, 2023
ech425 language and literacy development 1
March 29, 2023

need help with a few edits

everything here in total is less than 2 pages…..1st assignment….only 2 paragraphs here Two paragraph Word document………

You are the head of human resources at a fairly large multinational company operating in northern California. You work closely with the marketing department on maintaining the company’s image (both internally and externally). Aside from the big picture of public image, very often you and your team get complaints dealing with sensitive human cultural issues at the workplace.

It is 2002, and in light of fairly recent terrorist actions on the United States, some Americans have developed tendencies for prejudice in social and professional environments.

Yassine, a brilliant and young IT specialist, comes into your office to discuss some problems he has recently been experiencing within the company. He loosely practices Islamic traditions, is a native French speaker, has light skin, and has immediate family still living in Morocco. His wife Salma chooses to wear a veil, although it is primarily because it reminds her of family back home.

In light of coworkers seeing his veiled wife, being a practitioner of Islam, and speaking with a slight accent, Yassine feels that he has stopped being considered for promotions and feels left out of many after-work gatherings that he so frequently enjoyed prior to 2001. In fact, Yassine has performed equally as well as (if not better than) his IT peers, but missed out on two separate promotions in the past year. Based upon this evidence, Yassine’s boss is called in to discuss some of the issues at hand but vehemently denies all allegations.

How can this situation be resolved so that both parties continue to maintain a healthy, trusting work environment that respects cultural diversity?

questions to think about and keep in mind:

  • Is there a “right or “wrong” answer?
  • Is it possible to keep everyone happy?
  • How can I personally deal with people who seem to be hurt?
  • Is there anything the invested parties, or the company, should be cautious of?
  • How does my response reflect my own cultural biases?

2nd deal only needs to be just paragraph or so. l… Beyond technological achievements, some indigenous and abroad cultures aside from our own are seen as not following the same standards of ethical guidelines. Laws can be interpreted differently; religious beliefs impact people’s moral thinking; and family interactions impact people’s ethical compasses. With this information as background, consider the following discussion questions:

  • Identify an example from the popular media USE MOVIE ( ONCE WERE WARRIORS) that depicts indigenous cultures in a stereotypical fashion. Describe how the culture is depicted.
  • Afterwards, explain how the depiction promotes negative stereotypes. Respond with an explanation of the ways in which the depictions they have listed could be improved with a more accurate and culturally sensitive representation.
  • 1st reponse to this one here….Ark immediately comes to mind. In this movie, Indians are poorly portrayed, with many elements of Indian and Hindu culture being bastardizations or falsehoods. One such example lies within the stereotype depicted in the film of a village suffering from poverty due to the theft of their sacred stone. Most notably may be the feast that is had with the wealthier Indians; their feast consisted of live snakes, beetles, monkey brains, and eyeball soup. This is problematic in that stereotypes of savagery are repeatedly asserted to a massive, international audience via a critically acclaimed film, director, and actor(s).

2nd post to respond 2…in the Simpsons movie. Homer is wondering around the Alaskan back country and finds a Inuit medicine women. She is portrayed as an old world native american. She wears old ceremonial gowns lives in a igloo style hut and uses throat singing. This is not at all how the Inuit people of today look and live. While the ceremonial clothes can still be found in ceremonies and public special events. The normal Inuit people wear normal clothes like me and you. They also live in normal houses and cabins in small towns. The throat singing is the only thing that can be seen as normal. Throat singing is common practice.

3rd deal but this one is not but 1 page and is due in a week from now…

  • will involve research and analysis on five total parties that claim to have a vested interest in this scenario. The first three parties have already been assigned to you (the previous landowners, the private university, and the state government). Now, in this first task, you need to select two additional parties from the list provided in the document…Use ////LOCAL NATIVE AMERICAN GROUPS AND US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS THE OTHER TWO….
  • will involve research and analysis on five total parties that claim to have a vested interest in this scenario. The first three parties have already been assigned to you (the previous landowners, the private university, and the state government). Now, in this first task, you need to select two additional parties from the list provided in the Milestone One Rubric document. Consider all the parties listed and select the two you think would be most interesting to investigate throughout our remaining class time.
    • Second, write a brief statement of interest in which you answer the following two questions for the two additional parties you chose:
      • Why do you think these additional parties would be most interested in the recent archaeological discoveries?
      • What do the two additional parties have to potentially gain by the archaeological discoveries?
    • Third, compose a description of invested parties that takes your reasoning one step further. From the five total invested parties (the three assigned to you plus the two you selected), briefly describe why each party would be more interested in one of the two sites in the archaeological discovery. Be sure to think this through and weigh how each of the five parties would value the two sites differently. For example, possible reasons for interest might include historical, religious, or economic value.
  • Second, write a brief statement of interest in which you answer the following two questions for the two additional parties you chose:
    • Why do you think these additional parties would be most interested in the recent archaeological discoveries?
    • What do the two additional parties have to potentially gain by the archaeological discoveries?
  • Third, compose a description of invested parties that takes your reasoning one step further. From the five total invested parties (the three assigned to you plus the two you selected), briefly describe why each party would be more interested in one of the two sites in the archaeological discovery. think this through and weigh how each of the five parties would value the two sites differently. some examples.could be.., possible reasons for interest might include historical, religious, or economic value.
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