need help answering question on phaedra by racine

define and explain each term as they relate to chinese context critically interpret why it is important to understanding china today
April 10, 2023
mgt 571 week 1 discussion
April 10, 2023

need help answering question on phaedra by racine

  • How does Racine arrange his play to follow the three unities of time, place, and action? Does the Hippolytus/Aricia violate the unity of Action? Why or Why not?
  • Examine the relationships of the main characters with their confidants–Hippolytus with Theramenes, Phaedra with Oenone, Aricia with Ismene. What sorts of similarities and differences are there?
  • Racine says that, “Phaedra is neither entirely guilty nor altogether innocent.” Do you agree? Give specifics to support your response.
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