gray zone warfare
October 7, 2021
nhs fp5004 assessment 3 leadership self assessment 1
October 7, 2021

my path paper

* This essay should be double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and 1 in. margins. Minimum of 2 pages in length *

Questions to Develop My Path paper:

Why are you interested in pursuing this particular career?

Has there been anyone who especially influenced and/or encouraged you?

What academics are required for this career?

What requirements must you meet to get into the academic programs?

Are there any minors or certificates that could pair well with this major?

What qualities do you feel you possess that will be strengths in this career?

What are your challenges to attaining this goal?

How can you overcome them?

What education is required beyond the undergraduate degree, if any?

What tests and/or certifications are required to further your career/education?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What about 10 years?

What resources would you recommend to someone wanting to know about going into this career?

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